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Our Vision

More Homes: Lower Emissions

The world needs more housing and we need to eliminate carbon emissions, period - this is not an either/or choice.

Our Impact

Mighty Buildings' technology has the potential to unlock productivity to address the housing crisis alongside the opportunity for reducing construction-related emissions.

Our Priorities


million California needs new
Homes by 2025


%Global CO2 generated by
Building Materials and Construction


%Global CO2 generated by
Building Operations

Our Approach

The home construction industry can't continue to build with the same tools and materials that have been used for centuries AND reduce CO2 emissions.

Mighty Buildings' innovative technology allows for both near-zero waste construction, the reduction of embodied carbon, and for building cost-effective zero-net energy homes. These methods contribute to our greenhouse gas and carbon emission savings which will grow over time as we get closer to our 2028 Carbon Neutrality goal.

Our 3D printing technology eliminates 95% of construction waste. For 1 Mighty House, this is equivalent to eliminating:

  • CO2 emissions of 5,026 miles driven
  • CO2 emissions of 225 gallons of gasoline

Our 3D printing technology eliminates 95% of construction waste. If we built 300 Mighty House units, this would be the equivalent to eliminating:

  • CO2 emissions of 1.5 million miles driven
  • CO2 emissions of 67,514 gallons of gasoline
